Thursday, April 27, 2006

Accenture Blames it's Problems on Parents

Letter to the Editor: Accenture Blames Its Problems on Parents

San Angelo Standard-Times
After reading your paper online, I had to respond concerning the (April 11) letter by James McAvoy, ''Accenture proud of work on CHIP.'' He basically has blamed the parents of thousands of uninsured children for the inefficient performance of Accenture and seems proud of it.
With the millions of dollars Texas has given them for providing a service that qualified state employees were doing, wouldn't you think taxpayers should get their money's worth?
Surf the Internet. There are many articles from all over the country with McAvoy using his spin to defend Accenture.
McAvoy states, ''We have processes in place to deal with eligibility disputes.'' I guess being put on hold for long periods of time on the telephone is the best way to resolve this issue.
In 2003, Gov. Rick Perry felt balancing the budget on the backs of the most vulnerable was the solution to a deficit brought on by the Republican ''leadership.''
Awarding a contract of almost $900 million to Accenture over five years for eligibility services, claiming it will save Texas $644 million over 5 years, has created a system that makes it more difficult for people to apply and get needed social services. It almost is set up to discourage people to apply and to eventually get people off the rolls. Accenture should be proud of that.
Thousands of hardworking, qualified state employees are slated to lose their jobs while Accenture continues its so-called expertise here in Texas.
Even the Texas Health and Human Services Commission is praising the work of the privateers, and even blaming the glitches, delays and other problems on the state employees. Don't you love the loyalty this agency has for its employees?
Perry has decided that corporate welfare is the way Texas should be doing business, no matter how bad the work reputation of the corporation is.
It is time for all to call their legislators and the governor and get them to put an end to this mess. It is time the Legislature addresses this mess in January. No matter what political party they belong to, legislators know this is just bad business for Texas.
In the meantime, the poor, the uninsured, seniors, children, the mentally ill and laid off state employees will continue to see how the conservative leadership cares about its citizens. Please vote in November.
Arthur Valdez
San Antonio

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