Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just a note

Just wanted to throw this out there......with the talk of MEPD (elderly/disabled) going to TIERS.

I got an email from a reader in April 2006.....which reflects on this...and now I find that it's appropriate.......here is part of it...........and this is the truth. Believe it.

When this rolls out for the NH (nursing home) cases, then you will see
some organized, active, and vocal public complaints. “Our” clients may be
poor, (although with spousal impoverishment, many aren’t) but their relatives
aren’t. The responsible parties are usually younger, more educated, and
more motivated to complain than FS clients. After all, a monthly NH bill
and medications are very expensive. Waiting around for an answer, or being
lost in the shuffle, just won’t cut it with those folks.

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