Friday, April 11, 2008


Check out this article from the Dallas Morning News.
I'll try to comment on it tomorrow.

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Have you heard?

Region 7 will be doing all their own TIERS cases locally effective Monday.  So for all offices in Region 7 except Austin, good luck in figuring out how to have a SAVERR schedule, a TIERS schedule, and have your workers try and do both.
Many offices think they are ready, however word is that many really aren't.  New users aren't familiar enough with TIERS to be able to handle the workload.  Take them away from SAVERR cases, and then THAT caseload gets delinquent- quickly.
If anyone is reading from Region 7, please check in and leave a comment on how it's going in your office next week.  At least rumor is that ART is keeping everything through today.
Good luck fellow workers!  It's going to be rough!  Hang in there!

This post done through Yahoo! Mail. You can email me at Please know all emails are kept confidential, and your identity will never be disclosed.

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