Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Chip Outreach!

The CHIP/Children's Medicaid outreach effort is off and running. Today, radio ads started running statewide and our new website, www.CHIPmedicaid.org has begun receiving traffic. Within the next week billboards and transit ads (where available) will begin and print advertisements will start appearing in minority publications. Spanish language TV ads will begin running next week, too in DFW, Houston, El Paso, San Antonio, and the Rio Grande Valley.
On the grassroots level, we're currently printing two brochures, one general information piece about CHIP/Children's Medicaid and one that provides helpful information for renewal of coverage. We want to make sure you have ample copies of both of these brochures to share with families in the communities in your area. We've made arrangements to have 5000 copies of the general info brochure (the rack brochure) and 1500 copies of the renewal tips brochure shipped to your office. You should be receiving these brochures next week or the week of May 15. In the future, we'll have a place on the CHIPmedicaid website where you can order more copies. 
Just so you know, the contracted CBOs and health plans will also be receiving copies of these brochures the same time you receive yours. 
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this.
Thanks for your help in promoting CHIP and Children's Medicaid.

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