Friday, June 16, 2006

Wanted to expand on something.....

This was in comments:

Anonymous said...
Is this call center in tiers also? Why do they not know what to tell the clients? Lack of training, understanding the screens, or just overwhelmed and don't understand the programs yet? elborate....
10:31 AM

The way I understand it, yes- the call centers are in TIERS. I think it's a combination of lack of training, the TIERS program itself, and being overwhelmed.

Of course, everyone already knew TIERS wasn't working- yet they roll out all these clients into the system. I cannot speak specifically on the training the call center staff received on policy, etc- but I can only guess that it was minimal at best. Especially when you consider how long new workers went to training to learn policy in the 'good old days'.

It's also my understanding the the call center employees (I don't know this from experience in the call center, only what I've heard from others who have been to help there) are very overwhelmed and frustrated that they are unable to help the client. Meanwhile, the clients are calling and calling and calling and getting different answers to questions, and being put off and told to call back, or wait for a letter, or being told they are 'working on it'.

I've seen a client come into the local office that when TIERS was checked and documentation was read- the client called a total of TWENTY ONE times trying to get an appointment set up. 21! Imagine if that had ever happened in a local DHS office!

If anyone else can shed some light on the question "Anonymous" has, please leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

This is pitiful...
I don't understand how long HHSC is going to play with this experiment.

Meanwhile back at the local office...
I am getting applications like crazy!! Busy, busy busy.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with a lady the other night that said she received a CHIPS renewal packet and she said she never received notice that her kids were on chips.
When she called and inquired about it (said it took her three days to finally get through to someone) she told them she had about $3000 in bills from the last six months. She called the different dr's office and pharmacy's to see if they would file on chip and her get her money back and was told it was "too late" to file those bills.
I told her to call her representative. I didn't know what to tell her. That's becoming my problem. Too many questions by people in the general public when I am out somewhere socially. I have to travel out of town now to buy groceries...

Anonymous said...

too many delinquencies .. try missing a day of work .. everything falls into a black hole..