Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I'm going to take a break from all things HHSC for the Holidays, but let me say to anyone reading here that I wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a GREAT 2007!

To my fellow workers: The work you do for the people in the State of Texas means something. You continue to work under very pressured conditions, yet somehow we are able to help those who need us. Because of the work we do, there are families in Texas who will be able to have a little hope for the holidays and the New Year. No matter the pressure we feel from those "in charge"- what you do is important. We are feeding children, keeping kids covered under Medicaid so they can get medical care, and we are helping those who need us make a better life for themselves and their families. Don't let anyone "out there" make you feel like you aren't in the business of HELPING OTHERS. We are. We can make this agency what it once was. We just must continue on trying to get others to see the same things we do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Happy New Years to all our State Employees!