Got this in email (and am sharing with permission of the sender)........
I am a former state Texas Works Advisor that’s from a TIERS Pilot Office. I was also given my pink slip by email. Then, there was a videoconference telling the “pink slipped” people to go work for Accenture or Maximus and TWC was there for questions about unemployment. I was not given my part of the enhanced funding bonus ($900.00) I helped HHSC earn because I had taken their advice and found another job, before they were able to lay me off. All this came within weeks of my office being open from 8-8, 7 days a week, for months to help with the hurricane evacuees. Did anyone get a bonus, overtime, or even a free lunch for all the blood, sweat, or tears? Was there any encouragement or recognition from anyone above the workers? Hell no. Of all the jobs I’ve had, this one was the absolute worst. I’ve washed dogs and got more recognition. Not once, did I not have to beg for my OT pay or a vacation day that I had already accrued. The atmosphere was demeaning and almost sucked the life right out of me. You could die at your desk and no one would care. HHSC takes advantage of the kind of worker who cares about their clients and their work and then totally demoralizes them. Now, HHSC is having problems with their roll-out. Hello…TIERS never worked the entire time I used it. It should be no surprise to anyone. HHSC is just getting back some of the bad karma they started. I feel for the clients and the workers who have stayed steadfast. I feel for Texas .
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great post.... gets to the heart of what their doing to us... i consider this entire atmosphere to be psychologically abusive and getting worse with every broadcast message and weekly Q&A from 'the connection' ....
Thanks...I did feel abused and previous comment regarding dying at your desk...someone actually did. We were told in a 5 min. hallway meeting ..just to let you know; so and so is dead. They shut that person's office door and never talked about it as a group again. They didn't mention EAP, grief counselors or even acknowledge that we might be shocked by this sudden death. We went right back to our 16 interviews that day. It was the strangest experience. That person had worked for HHSC for many years and had many friends in the agency. Just one more example of HHSC's lack of respect for their employees.
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