Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What now?

We've been calling for this since it started, and now it's all beginning to unravel.  I attribute this cancellation (since Hawkins and Co. have proclaimed all this time how GREAT all this is) to the pressure the Union helped put on the Agency through their Legislative contacts.
Now, what will happen?
Potentially "re-bid" the job?  BAD IDEA.
Continue to rollout TIERS?  BAD IDEA.  Entirely TOO much money has been wasted on TIERS as it is.  Cut bait and run.  Convert all these cases back into SAVERR until a new system is "built" and WORKS.  Rebuild staffing.  Get rid of all these "chiefs" and let's get back to work  - with the quality that we used to have.  Re-vamp the "Upper Management" who refused to acknowledge the flaws until they were forced to.  Remember this- "Upper Management" have goals that do NOT include client services OR employees.  They do not care if you are or were a loyal employee.  They do not CARE that clients have gotten the shaft.  They do not CARE that the taxpayers in Texas have gotten this screw job.  Us, those in the front lines- those in the offices that have borne the brunt of this screwup from the beginning- WE do care. 
Write your local representative and tell them that this is NOT OVER.  Please!  There IS power in numbers.  The more attention we can bring to this the better.  Email reporters at various newspapers (maybe not in your town, if you are fearful)- OR, send ME your letter and where you want me to email it and I'll do it from MY "hhsc" email address.  Remember this fellow HHSC Employees- WE ARE ALL "HHSC EMPLOYEE".  We are the ONLY ones that can continue to push this.
And I've been waiting a long time to say this, but:

Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of us have said from the start this system would not work (nobody listened). The portal and TLM is a joke and should be scapped now. TIERS is still having problems; however, that's not stopping the TIERS rollout to other counties.

Someone somewhere received a big kick back.